Erosion Unleashed: The Tragic Consequences of Hydroelectric Development on Indigenous Communities Video

In this video, we hear from members of the Norway House Cree Nation in Manitoba, Canada, who are speaking out about the devastating effects of extreme erosion in Lake Winnipeg. The erosion is a result of the construction of Eight Mile and Two Mile channels by Manitoba Hydro in the 1970s, which were designed to increase the flow of water from the lake into hydroelectric generating systems. The channels were dug in soft soils and peat, leading to continuing erosion that negatively impacts the treaty rights of fishing and trapping for the First Nation, as well as the local economy, water navigation, and access to traditional lands. Chief Larson Anderson and other members of the Norway House Cree Nation speak about the severe impacts of the erosion on fish habitat, including the creation of islands from sediment, and how it has affected their ability to exercise traditional activities. Commercial fisherman, trapper, and resource user Christopher Clark describes the devastating effects of erosion on local fisheries, leading to decimation of fish populations and damage to the well-being of the community. Despite efforts to clean up debris and contamination from the channels, the erosion issue persists, and both Manitoba Hydro and the government of Manitoba have been made aware of the issue. The Norway House Cree Nation is pushing for a long-term solution, demanding action to stop the infringement on their treaty rights and a true nation-to-nation relationship with the Crown corporations and all governments for true reconciliation.

This video was created by NHCN (Norway House Cree Nation).

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