
July 14, 2020
By Andrea Sutherland Companies use terms like “clean,” “green” and “environmentally-friendly” to celebrate their environmental sustainability, but without the evidence to support their claims, they are not ecological warriors; they’re greenwashing. The term “greenwashing” has been around since 1986, when environmentalist Jay Westerveld used it to describe a hotel’s effort to encourage clients to reuse towels....
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By Michelle Daoust, Communications Kitatipithitamak Mithwayawin Kitatipithitamak Mithwayawin: Indigenous-Led Planning and Responses to COVID-19 and other Pandemics, Then, Now, and into the Future, better known as COVID-19 Indigenous, is a research project that received full funding from the CIHR Rapid Research call for Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). The call was made by the Canadian Institute of Health...
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By Mathew Scammell,  Research Facilitator Here at Wa Ni Ska Tan, our work has definitely been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, but we have done our best to remain engaged and committed to working alongside community and research partners despite the recent changes. University policies have prohibited most of us from having access to our...
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