
By Will Braun Originally published on December 30th, 2017 in the Winnipeg Free Press The Keeyask dam is springing leaks, and the possibility of further cost overruns and delays, as recently reported, is just the start. The dam, now estimated to cost between $8.7 billion and $10.5 billion, was officially approved in 2014, based largely...
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The Ongoing Impacts of Northern Hydro Development By Manitoba Energy Justice Coalition (originally published on MEJC’s website on August 28th, 2017) Manitoba celebrates the “clean energy” that comes from Manitoba Hydro’s damn systems in the province’s North. But to call this energy “clean” is a misnomer. MEJC members recently participated in a tour of northern...
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If we could sum up the 2017 Spring Gathering in a phrase it would be, “Less talk, more action!” Breakout sessions during the Gathering identified priorities around five major themes: health, youth, fisheries, legal action, and activism and outreach. Each group identified action items to improve environment and community health, increase youth engagement, support the recovery...
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Tanjina Tahsin has recently come from Bangladesh and is a first-year graduate student at the University of Manitoba’s Master of Environment program. She has a B.S. (Honours) degree in Soil, Water and Environment from University of Dhaka. During her Master’s degree from the same department she studied Environment as her major arena of focus and...
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The Research and Steering Committees got together in mid-October to review proposals that were submitted for our fall intake date, September 18th, 2017. We received three project proposals of which two were approved. The third was sent back for more information and revisions. Here are the two community projects that were approved. The next intake...
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Sadie-Phoenix Lavoie is a 23 year old Anishinaabe Two-Spirit from Sagkeeng First Nation, graduating with a BA in Indigenous Studies and Political Science. Sadie-Phoenix formerly was the Co-President for the UW Aboriginal Student Council; Aboriginal Student Commissioner for the Canadian Federation of Students MB; and Vice-President of External Affairs on the University of Winnipeg Students’ Association....
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Manitoba isn’t the only province dealing with overzealous hydroelectric developers. At the moment the Peace River Valley in British Columbia is the site for the controversial Site C dam. The proposed mega-project is expected to flood over 100 km of river valley, decimating some of the most fertile land in northern BC, along with hunting, fishing,...
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From August 14th-18th youth from six communities joined together in Nelson House for the 2nd Annual Wa Ni Ska Tan Youth Camp. We began with a long day of arrivals and introductions. The first evening was spent setting up camp, enjoying a delicious dinner of stew, and hanging out on the beach with a bonfire waiting for the final arrivals. We arose early the next...
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From June 7th to the 10th, 2017 community members, researchers, and NGOs met in Norway House Cree Nation for our annual Spring Gathering. Over the course of four days over eighty people from 15 Metis and First Nations communities came together to discuss and address the impacts of hydropower. Youth and elders were well represented...
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The second publication of our annual Alliance newsletter is now available. Inside you will find articles, stories, interviews, poems and recipes, all related to hydro. Along with a community project and research update, a map indicating participating communities highlights a few key regions to pay close attention to. Not only focusing on Manitoba, this issue we...
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