By Jack Lovell I had the opportunity during the 2016 Annual Spring Gathering in Brokenhead Ojibway Nation to engage with Chief Gordon Bighetty Jr. of the Pickerel Narrows First Nation, a traditional Cree community currently based in Leaf Rapids, Manitoba. Like many Indigenous communities in Northern Manitoba, their story shares a common but tragic theme...Continue Reading
The third publication of our annual Alliance newsletter is now available. Inside you will find articles, stories, interviews and poems and recipes, all related to hydro. A community project and research updates indicate some of the projects we’ve both funded and taken part in this past year. On a more national context, in this issue...Continue Reading
The importance of language, Anishinaabe law, and the water came together at this year’s Anishinaabe Nibi (Water) gathering. The theme for the gathering was Nibi Nagamonan – Water Songs. Each day began with a water ceremony and teachings at the teaching lodge, then proceeding to afternoon workshops in various formats. There was a lot to...Continue Reading
From May 15th-May 17th, community members, researchers and NGO’s met in Thompson for the annual Spring Gathering. This year we gathered as a group for large discussions at the Friendship Centre, where key priorities were discussed and stories were shared amongst one another. We also had presentations from Lake Winnipeg Indigenous Collective, and Sylvia McAdam,...Continue Reading
Formed in early January 2018, the RCEA & AFP Working Committee have been working hard to bring attention to the inadequacies of both the Regional Cumulative Effects Assessment and the Augmented Flow Program and calling for the rejection of both. This letter to the Province of Manitoba is one action in a series of actions...Continue Reading
Dispelling the Myths of Hydro in Manitoba On World Water Day, March 22nd, we wanted to challenge the notion that hydropower is clean and green. It was a chance to walk in solidarity with and support of hydro-impacted communities across Manitoba. It was also an opportunity for Winnipeggers to hear directly from Indigenous people living...Continue Reading
By Manitoba Energy Justice Coalition (originally published on MEJC’s website on March 22nd, 2018) On March 21st 2018, there was a mass resignation of the Manitoba Hydro board citing an inability “to have a meaningful dialogue… despite repeated attempts” with the Pallister government and challenges related to the finances and governance of Manitoba Hydro including its attempts...Continue Reading
Wa Ni Ska Tan is an intervenor in the National Energy Board’s (NEB) hearings regarding Manitoba Hydro’s application to proceed with the Manitoba-Minnesota Transmission Project (MMTP). The project requires the construction and operation of a 500 kV alternating current international power line (IPL) extending from Manitoba Hydro’s Dorsey Converter Station (located near Rosser, north-west of Winnipeg)...Continue Reading
Another proposal deadline has come and gone. We’re very excited about the new projects and research that was approved by the Research Committee on January 23rd. See below for a summary of the research and community projects we are supporting. Another outcome of the last research meeting was the formation of the Regional Cumulative Effects...Continue Reading
A poem by Lysette Neckoway Follow the bi-poles down highway 6 This is how I remember The way home To the front step Of Kitanaskotapanimosoms fishing camp Where he raised his children A trail to my community Nisichawayshik Where they meet Those three rivers Where whisahkijacks footprints remain Desecrated on our lands Where he once sat Flooded Beneath the once shallow shores ...Continue Reading