[wr_vc_section_title title=”Gendered Impacts” text_align=”left”]
The experiences of women, two-spirit people, and gender-diverse people have received less attention up to now and deserve to be given expression. Hydro impacts vary to some extent according to people’s gender, so our research will identify and discuss those differences. To learn more about this research, go to https://dev.hydroimpacted.ca/gendered-impacts/
[wr_vc_section_title title=”Churchill River Diversion” text_align=”left”]
The final licence for the Churchill River Diversion was issued in May 2021 but the impacts experienced by the dramatic rising and lowering of water levels continue without any support from government or Manitoba Hydro. We are working closely with the Community Association of South Indian Lake and other impacted communities to raise awareness and find solutions to the devastation of their shorelines, waterways, livelihoods, and culture. For more information about the Churchill River Diversion, please visit the following links:
News: https://dev.hydroimpacted.ca/blog-posts/churchill-river-diversion-news-coverage/
Community Stories: https://dev.hydroimpacted.ca/william-dysarts-story-south-indian-lake/
[wr_vc_section_title title=”Local Scale Renewable Energy” text_align=”left”]
Interest in renewable energy has increased substantially over the last decade and it now represents 18.9% of Canada’s primary energy supply. Indigenous-led, local-scale, renewable energy projects have the potential to facilitate self-determination, autonomy and energy justice, a reduced reliance on outside energy sources, and need for viable alternatives to diesel for off-grid communities. Over the past few years we have been working closely with community members in Pimicikamak Cree Nation and Brokenhead Ojibway Nation on a solar energy pilot project. To learn more about this project, go to https://dev.hydroimpacted.ca/solar-power-pilot-project/. More resources coming soon.
[wr_vc_section_title title=”Culture & Land” text_align=”left”]
Land-based approaches to language, traditional foods and healing help mitigate the long-standing impacts associated with dams and hydropower. Through our land-based education programming, kiskinhamakiwin, we have been working with youth and Elders using a two-eyed seeing approach to environmental science. Activities focus on language, beading, hides, dance, and drumming. Learning opportunities include map-making, GIS, drones, water quality testing, hunting and medicine picking, and gardening. Learn more at https://landlearning.ca
[wr_vc_section_title title=”Communications & Public Awareness” text_align=”left”]
Documenting the impacts of hydropower in Manitoba and beyond has been a key priority throughout the life of this project. Through filmmaking, books, articles, newsletters, social media, public speaking events, annual gatherings, and conferences we have been working to raise public awareness about the impacts of hydro and the lived experience of communities living in the shadow of dams. You can find some of this work under our Resources section of the website and under Community Stories